Internet Search Activity Boosts Aged Brains

Old people doing internet searches
Old people doing internet searches

Our body ages, and so does our brain. As we get older, the neurons (nerve cells) in our brain degenerate, perhaps because of improper nutrition, unhealthy habits like smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol and sedentary lifestyle. If you’re having trouble remembering where you left your keys or recalling a word, then it’s a sign that you’ve aged!

According to a medical research older people with little experience, performing Internet searches for even a relatively short period of time can change brain activity patterns and enhance function. The researchers have found signs of enhanced neural stimulation in parts of the brain that control decision-making and reasoning when they scanned the brains of middle-aged and older first-time Internet users after only seven days of performing Internet searches.

The subjects were brain-scanned through fMRI while doing internet searches to track changes in blood flow neurons and record subtle changes in neural activity. After doing the assignment for 7 days, the brains of the internet novices showed a remarkable activity in the parts of the brain for working memory and decision-making.

Click here for the full Internet Search Activity Boosts Aged Brains story.
